Where is my nearest Stand? 
All stands are listed on our website astandinthepark.org. If there is no stand listed in your area, you might like to consider starting one.

10-11am on the first Sunday of the month.

ASITP is a grassroots organisation that grew organically. Our stands are community groups that are run by the people who attend and, as such, are not monitored by us. If there is no one in attendance, why not restart it? We’ll help you market it. Just tell us the location (park, suburb, country) and head down there on the next stand day (1st Sunday of the month) wearing yellow. People will come! Email us at admin@astandinthepark.org and we’ll get some info to you.

If you are on Facebook, you can also post on your country’s Facebook page asking about a stand or announcing the restart. You can find that link here https://www.astandinthepark.org/resources/

We encourage you to simply head down to your local stand wearing something yellow! We cannot release private emails and phone numbers.

If you would like to make contact with a stand before attending, you could check here https://www.astandinthepark.org/resources/ to see if they have a social media page up and running on Facebook or Telegram. If it’s not listed try doing a search on social media.

If it is not listed, try doing a search on social media. If you come across a Facebook or Telegram page that is not listed, please email us so we can add it to the list.

You could also try making a couple of posts on different days in your country’s Facebook group.

We encourage standers to wear yellow in unity. It also helps newcomers find the group. If you do not want to wear something yellow, please consider buying a flag or bringing something yellow with you (umbrella, hat, chair, towel, sarong etc) to make the group more identifiable.

If you email us late on a Saturday night or a Sunday morning asking about a stand, it’s unlikely you will receive a reply in time for you to get any assistance. There are only three people behind the scenes and email is rarely monitored on weekends.

Please read the automatic reply to see if it answers your question. If you are enquiring about where to find your local stand, the link to find it is in the automatic reply. No one is monitoring emails 24/7, 7 days a week and no one works full-time at ASITP, so please show some initiative and search for your stand or the answer to your question on the website.

During the early days of the Covid plandemic, Brady Gunn stood alone in Hyde Park each Sunday for three months, taking a stand for personal truth and freedom. He urged others to join him or to stand in their own local park so they could connect in the physical rather than just online. His steadfast determination inspired others, and soon they joined him. The movement spread across Australia and throughout the world. Today, there are over 1000 Stands in over 30 countries.

By now most of us realise that ‘something is up’ in the world. Amongst many other things, people who attend ASITP have concerns about the following issues:

• Cost of living has skyrocketed while companies make record profits.

• The truth about C19 has come to light and multiple agendas have been exposed.

• Excess death rate is now over 20%!

• Many people have been maimed by the ‘vaccine’.

• Big pharma continues to profit and be protected by gov while natural health is side-lined.

• Health system run by big pharma and anyone who challenges it is muted, no matter how great their qualifications are.

• Mainstream media continues to misreport, misinform, ignore truths and blatantly lie.

• Gov overreach, decline in freedoms, unnecessary surveillance and unreasonable use of forces

• EXCESS immigration while we have a rental crisis and public services stretched and under funded.

• Lower class ignored, middle class being eliminated , new taxes introduced etc. while the rich get richer.

• Small business swamped by red tape, high rents, excess laws and insurance while big biz thrives

• Attack on our childrens’ minds through the education system

• Wokeness and cancel culture taking over society with an agenda

• Foreign entities influencing decisions in Australian Gov

• Media and Gov inflaming division through race, sex preference, health and political views

• Justice system broken, youth crime let to run rampant, jail privatised, incarceration rates high

• Indigenous issues leveraged politically while UNDRIP etc. steals land

• Global unelected bodies like WEF, WHO, UN, IMF making decisions in our country

• Free speech under attack through censorship and excess surveillance

• Gov serving other interests not the people to our detriment

• Weather modification through chemtrails, HAARP and other geoengineering tools

• Environmental lies designed to steal our land and wealth from the people who are doing the damage and holding back tech that makes us green and prosperous

• Mandates and lockdowns that harmed society, economies and kids greatly still unaccounted for

• Deterioration of human rights across the world

• Funding of wars overseas while ignoring local and national issues

• Poverty and homelessness at all-time highs

• Resources being sold and not benefiting our countries

Just email admin@astandinthepark.org and let them know what park, suburb and country you will be gathering in and what date you would like to start. We will announce your stand on social media and in the newsletter. It will help your stand if you post about it in your local community groups. Head down to your park on the first Sunday of the month between 10 and 11am. Wearing yellow will help newcomers identify you.